Today I was able to finalise another one of the buildings, the Patisserie (cake shop). The only thing I need to do is harder some of the edges but apart for that it is ready to go into my final scene and render a turnaround.
Below is a test with bump maps, not 100% sure if it was effective.
Its been a while since I last posted anything but I am currently trying to finish off texturing all the buildings. But here are the last of the building that needed to be model which I finished a couple of days ago and have not got round to posting. Now that all the buildings have been model, I am going to take them and put them all together and start composing my scene, so when I finish texturing each build I will just have to import the object and then set up lightening.
Un Chat Gris (Hotel)
Restaurant 1
Restaurant 2
There are parts of these model that need fixing/improved but this can all be done when I come to texturing them. I have also modelled the Eiffel Tower but Maya keeps crashing so tomorrow I will post an update of that . Also I am going to continue texturing and as soon as the each building is to the stand of my first building (book shop) then I will post it up and also look at having animated turnaround for each building.
Today I was able to finish modelling another building the cafe, my aim is to try and build a building a day which so far is working. The only that I need to make sure with this model is the windows epically the tea cups shape canopy stand out a bit more because in this model they don't seem to be standing out so much but I think that is down to the colours i chose to colour it. So with the next stage texturing I got to make sure that they pop out a bit more. But here is today's model...........
Today I have been modelling the Art Gallery concept/building. I still feel it needs some more work done to it to push it even further but I think this can be done in the next stage. Which is texturing and adding the Toon Outlines. But here is how it look so far...........
So after taking Alan's advice about how to improve this piece as well as how I could go about lighting my final scene. One thing that Alan did suggested that I think really works for my style is adding a Toon outline which makes the building seem as if it has been drawn.
The Bookshop building is nearly complete there are just a few tweaks to be do to the texture that I noticed on the turnaround below but this can be done when I start putting my scene together.
This turnaround is a rough version, but the official turnaround will be more professional in the way it is presented and the quality will be better.
Next I have moved on to another building the Cake Shop (Patisserie), I have completed the modelling, uving stage next is to add texture and Toon Outline. With this Design I have built it to represent a cake and hopefully when I added the texture, it will be able to make it seem as if the windows etc are icing and have been placed on the building.