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Wednesday 9 January 2013

Letting you know...

Sadly and frustratingly I will be deferring my final year due to illness. Its been a rough couple of months for me but I can honestly say that  I am slowly getting back to my old self. But I have decided that deferring my final year would be best for me, to come back next year fully recovered and ready to take on my minor, dissertation and major project. 

I will be keeping an eye on the blogs and group blog, to see what everyone is up too. But I just wanted to wish me fellow third year class mate the best of luck with their projects (minor and major) and dissertation. Hope to see you all around some day but for now Good luck and be Amazing as I know you all will be. 

Also to the CG arts staff and year 2 & 1  I will see you in September fully ready to take it all on :D


  1. Awww Sasha! This makes me sad but I'm glad you're putting your health first :)

    Gimme a few facebook messages, it's always a boost to hear from you! :D

  2. Everything you've done so far has been very promising, so I'm looking forward to seeing what you produce after a relaxing break. :) Be sure to read and watch lots and lots of interesting stuff!

  3. Hey, I'm just so glad you're out of hospital and on the mend. :)

  4. Hey Sasha! It was genuinely wonderful to see you back in the CGAA studio - and though I know you're a bit frustrated, the time will fly - certainly if you use it to become the Wonderwoman of CGI... Tom's right - make this year special and unforgettable by seeking out lots of arty new stuff and trying lots of new things creatively. Everything is going to be fine and you're going to be great. We'll all miss having you around, so make sure you stalk the blogs and offer all those year 1 and year 2 students the benefit of your experience and tech knowledge. Stay in touch, take time to rest, see you soon!
