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Friday 23 September 2011

Charater Design - Steampunk Secret Agrents

Character Design is the second of three projects that we will be doing this semester. Within this project we are asked to create a ‘Character Design & Animation Bible’ for three main characters – The Hero, The Villain, and The Sidekick for an eighties Saturday cartoon series.

With 80s cartoons typically comprising of multiple genres or a ‘mash up’ of styles and ideas. So we were given the chance to pick from a pack of cards at random, which stands for a random set of genres. The genres that I received were 'Steampunk' and 'Secret Agent'. So I will be producing characters for a 80’s style cartoon with the  theme  Steampunk Secret Agents. My initial thoughts are that  these two genres will make a great mash up. As I think that there is alot I could do with both these genres and if I can find the right story behind the chracters, this will help me alot. So I think that alot more research into both may help me find a connection between them and find a synopsis for my characters.  

Poster for 1954 film "20,000 Leagues under the Sea", which is considered to 
be a Steampunk progenitor because of Captain Nemo’s submarine
which is a Steampunk icon.

Secreat Agent 
James Bond

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