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Monday 8 November 2010

More Thumbnails - The Pit and the Pendulum

The first set of thumbnails are one's of the Pit and the Pendulum descriptions that i have thought about doing. The description is his first impressions of where he is when he wakes up. I have added the things that he describes like the flash of light that appears when the door opens quickly, stone floors, wet and dampness. So that it relates back to the story. As well as several other things that were in the description. The thumbnails might all look the same but they are little changes i have made to each that have help me produce a thumbnail that i would like to develop further.

The finally thumbnail here is the one that I would like to develop further on photoshop. This will allow me to experiment with  texture, shadows, light and dark.

The next set of thumbnails from the same story but they were done quickly not like the one before and I found that this allowed me to produce some initial thumbnails that i could develop further.

I am think of choosing another description form the pit and the pendulum which is the description of the torture chamber. So i think I might need to do some more thumbnails to help me.

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